
09:30 - Welcome, introduction and housekeeping

Jenny Scott

Partner - Apella Advisors

Jenny is a partner and co-founder of Apella Advisors, a boutique advisory firm focused on Experience, Insight and Results. Prior to that, Jenny was the Executive Director of Communications at the Bank of England, advising both Mervyn King and Mark Carney during the financial crisis and the Brexit referendum respectively. Jenny began her career as a Bank economist before becoming a journalist for Reuters and the BBC, covering television and radio news programmes at the latter before going on to present the Daily Politics. Jenny is a Trustee of Pro Bono Economics. 

09:35 - CII welcome address

Matthew Hill
Chief Executive Officer - Chartered Insurance Institute

Matthew joined the CII in April 2024. Prior to that he was Chief Executive and executive Board Member at The Legal Services Board (LSB).

He started his career in the Civil Service, working in a wide range of areas over a twenty-year span. His brief has included food safety, animal health, alcohol, civil contingencies, broadcasting, gambling, creative industries and healthcare regulation.

Before joining the LSB, Matthew was Executive Director, Strategy at the General Dental Council, and prior to that he was Director, Regulatory Risk & Analysis at the Gambling Commission.

09:45 - Trends and predictions for the insurance sector

Duncan Strachan 

Partner - DAC Beachcroft LLP 

Duncan Strachan specialises in complex and international (re)insurance matters across multiple lines of business.  His focus is on international disputes and policy coverage analysis, with particular expertise in Latin America and the Caribbean, due to his familiarity with the legal and political landscape across the region.  Duncan is also fluent in Spanish.

Illustrative recent and current cases include:

  • Representing London reinsurers in relation to the impact of regressive erosion in Ecuador on the energy sector.
  • Advising on the environmental impact of large oil spillages across Latin America, most notably in Peru, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.
  • Representing Reinsurers on complex D&O claims, typically US securities class actions against non-US incorporated entities.
  • Advising insurers on complex casualty claims often involving multiple jurisdictions and international conflict of laws issues.
  • Drafting environmental impairment liability, D&O and cyber wordings for Latin America on behalf of insurers in London and the US.

Duncan regularly presents to insurers and reinsurers across the world.  As co-lead of both Class Actions and Global Risk, Duncan contributes to our Informed Insurance thought leadership and predictions.  He also leads the Social Inflation working group across DACB, Legalign and international offices. 

Duncan’s reputation for international work is recognised by Chambers Global and Latin America-wide.  Duncan is the author of the Latin America chapter to the Insurance & Reinsurance Law Review and ICLG - Insurance & Reinsurance texts.  He has strong links to the US, having previously worked at the London office of a US firm and as a member of the International Association of Defence Counsel.  Duncan also spent six months working in the Miami reinsurance market in 2017. 

Sarah Crowther 

Partner - DAC Beachcroft LLP

Sarah specialises in Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers and Financial Institutions coverage disputes and defence work.

She has over 15 years’ experience advising clients across a range of sectors, with particular emphasis on insurance brokers and legal professionals.

As lead of ESG in Insurance and co-lead of Class Actions, Sarah contributes to articles for both the Insurance and National press, and to our Informed Insurance thought leadership and predictions.  Sarah is DACB’s representative for ClimateWise, part of the Centre for Sustainable Finance.

Sarah’s cases generally involve complex, high value claims, often with an international element. She is experienced in mediation and arbitration. Sarah has a strong understanding of the London Market having undertaken secondments in the claims teams at two Insurers and in the legal team at a global insurance brokerage.

Relevant experience includes:

  • Defending an insurance broker in a multi-million pound negligence claim brought following insurers’ avoidance of a policy.
  • Representing a boutique West End law firm in a US$100 million claim arising from the solicitors’ inadvertent involvement in an offshore Ponzi scheme.
  • Defending an insurance broker against a claim alleging breach of duty in the placement of reinsurance in Russia of a Nigerian aviation policy.
  • Advising D&O insurers on cover for claims brought in the US and in Japan which alleged fraud and concealment of earnings of $190 million.

Sarah is recommended in Who’s Who Legal 2020: Professional Negligence.

10:30 - The talent shortage challenge

Speaker: TBC

11:15 - Morning refreshment break

11:30 - Regulation in a changing market: Future implications

Graeme Reynolds 

Director of Competition - FCA

Graeme is currently the FCA’s Director of Competition. His role includes responsibility for the FCA’s competition work and the Consumer Duty. Prior to his current role, Graeme was the FCA’s Deputy Chief Economist and Head of Department for Economic and Financial Analysis for five years, having previously been a manager in the FCA’s Competition Division. Before joining the FCA in 2014, Graeme spent nearly ten years at the Competition Commission (now the Competition and Markets Authority) as Director of Remedies, Business and Financial Analysis, and as an Economic Adviser. Graeme’s experience also includes five years as an economic consultant with Deloitte and Andersen. 

11:50 - All change – Mind the skills gap

Raluca Boroianu-Omura 

Head of Conduct Regulation (assurance) - NFU Mutual

Raluca Boroianu-Omura has a varied work experience that spans multiple industries and roles. Raluca currently holds the position of Head of Conduct Regulation (Assurance) at NFU Mutual, starting in 2022. Prior to that, they worked at the Association of British Insurers from 2010 to 2022, where they held various roles including Assistant Director, Head of Conduct Regulation, Assistant Director, Head of Protection and Health, Manager, Conduct Regulation, and Policy Advisor, European Affairs. In these roles, they were involved in lobbying regulatory bodies and legislators on a range of topics including data protection, regulatory developments, and insurance market regulations. Before their time at the Association of British Insurers, Raluca was a Policy & PR Executive at The Recruitment and Employment Confederation from 2008 to 2010, specializing in the healthcare and childcare markets. Raluca started their career as a Parliamentary Research Assistant at the House of Commons from 2005 to 2008, focusing on policy research and advice in areas such as foreign affairs, the EU, human rights, and trade. Raluca also worked as a Research Assistant at the European Parliament from 2004 to 2005, where their responsibilities included correspondence, political research, and EU-US relations.

Catherine Carey 

Head of Marketing - Consumer Intelligence

Catherine – a journalism graduate turned marcoms professional – has spent the last five years immersed in in the world of GI pricing and consumer behaviour data, turning golden nuggets of insight into juicy stories that help the industry make more confident, data-driven decisions. Passionate about true customer-centricity, Catherine empowers firms to see and understand the world through the eyes of their customers.

Caroline Bedford 

Chief Executive Officer - EDII

Caroline’s passion is developing creativity, capability and confidence in current and future business leaders. Through her 30+ years in industry, Caroline has steered through many technological techniques and trends, delivering innovative projects, programmes, and portfolios worldwide. Caroline has held various digital transformation and people development roles in the insurance industry.

12:50 - Networking lunch

13:50 - Viewing the world through multigenerational lens

Dr. Eliza Filby 

Historian of Generations and Contemporary Values

Dr. Eliza Filby is a speaker, academic and consultant who specialises in ‘Generational Intelligence’, helping companies and services navigate the complex generational developments within politics, society and the workplace. Eliza educates companies on long-term generational trends, offering deep insights as well as practical solutions on how business can adapt, not only for Millennials and Gen Z's needs, but crucially across the generations. Her aim is to smash some of the misconceptions and generalisations that come with speaking about the generations. Types of questions she addresses includes: Why are the over-50s dominating the Gig-economy? Why do Millennials save the most but invest the least? Why are Gen Z techinate but tech-skeptics? Eliza Filby has lectured at some of the world’s leading universities including LSE, Cambridge and Harvard and leading businesses from VICE media to Barclay’s Bank. She has presented to some of the premier business forums from the FT’s 125 Club to the Women’s Network Forum as well as the EU Forum on Human Rights and the House of Lords Select Committee. Past clients include: Barclays, Pictet Group, Business Growth Fund, Brewin Dolphin, UK’s Ministry of Defence, hotel group IHG, publishing industry bible ‘The Bookseller’, hairdressing company Toni & Guy, and Procter and Gamble.

14:30 - The cost-of-living crisis and claims inflation: A professional communities perspective

Chris Shadforth 

Communications Director – Chartered Insurance Institute

Chris joined the CII Group as Communications Director in October 2022. Chris spent 10 years as an economist at the Bank of England before joining Ofqual, the qualifications regulator for England, as Director of Communications in 2015. There he oversaw marketing around the introduction of reformed GCSEs and the associated numerical grading system. He moved from regulator to regulated when he joined Cambridge Assessment in 2022, leading the department’s communications in response to the cancellation of exams here in the UK and around the world during the global pandemic. 

CII Professional Communities Board

Underwriting Professional Community

Broking Professional Community

Claims Professional Community

15:20 - Recap of the day

15:30 - Networking drinks reception

16:45 - Close



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